Friday, September 23, 2011


  • So as you all know I've been sick for a while. Since I've been sick I have been taking off work and very often. As a result of this I have been going with out pay on the days that I am not able to work. So on top of not being paid Im also still paying the doctors $40.00 a visit and some weeks I am at the doctors office 3-4 times a week. So hmmm lets do the math. Not excluding Rent, Car Pmt and Car Insurance, Cell phone bills, Electric, and Internet. How am I still sane? I ask my self that question everyday. But God is good all the time and some how I'm keeping my head above water. Now my illness is triggered by stress. So if this doesn't seem stressful enough for you, my supervisors are now in retaliation mode. They are for whatever reason trying to punish me for being sick. Mind you I provide doctors notes every time I'm off. I'm cover Thur FMLA and again I'm going NO PAY! That in itself seems to be punishment enough. On top of the fact that im having flares and break-out every week! Some times I tell people I feel like Job in the Bible. The devil is working hard on me but I know my God is Bigger and Badder and My blessing is coming! In the mean time Thur it all even when there are days I can't even get out of bed I'm trying my best to go on. I'm still holding my head high when I am at work but this is becoming harder and harder to do when I  feel like a walking target. On a daily basices I am been harassed about something that is so frivolous but I grin and bare  it.

  • Today was the straw that broke the camels back! In October we start a new fiscal year and we receive 64 hours of Holiday pay, Unscheduled and Personal leave paid. Once you submit for days that are available to you,at shift bid then you can submit a form to get these days off. Well back in July I asked for these three days off  In October and was approved. On the three days off I am having a medical proceeder. This is a discussion that by law I didn't have to disclose to my supervisors but I did if only to  help them understand why I took this time off. Today i was advised that in a prior conversation that I had with the 2 ladies(SUPERVISORS) that i have no recollection of having that this issue was talked about  The (2 ladies not to be named) said that we discussed that they were taking my vacation time. Now I was there and what we said and discussed is that if in Oct if I were to call in that my sick time would be covered by the paid HOL hours. And this is how it has always been so tell me if this is right or wrong?

  •  How can an employer tell its employees when and what they can do with that time off. This is something employees receive and I seem to be the only person that it being told that I CANT take Hol paid leave and i have to take sick leave and go no pay???? Its this RIGHT OR WRONG?

  • I will not stand for something that is a great injustice to me when I know they have no leg to stand on. I feel like I have been back into a corner and I'm coming out swinging. God is my cover and I'm the running back and running thru these holes God is opening up for me. I'm small but I got the holy spirit power covering me, and you not gone see me coming! First blood has been drawn and it on now! I'm not going down with out a fight! I LOVED THIS DISPATCHER FAMILY AND NOW FEELING LIKE THE RED HEADED STEP CHILD.
    I ask that god prepare my thought and speak thru me in order to get this injustice resolved and if it cant.... then plan b will be put into action! I want to keep my job with out all the extra! So you tell ME is this Right or wrong??????


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